Regisration form

Kindly fill up all the details.


Student Details

Valid first name is required.
Valid last name is required.
Please select a valid Course.
Please select a valid Batch.
Please select a valid Course.
Valid name is required.
Valid Ocupation is required.
Valid name is required.
Valid Ocupation is required.
Valid name is required.
Please enter a valid email address for Further Proceedings.

Residential Address

Please enter your address.
Please enter your address.
Please provide a valid state.
Please select a valid country.
Zip code required.

Guardian Details

Valid name is required.
Valid Ocupation is required.
Valid name is required.

Student Details

Valid religion is required.
Valid Gender is required.
Valid Date of Birth is required.
Valid name is required.
Valid name is required.
Valid needs are required.
Valid blood group is required.
is required.

Academic Details

is required.
is required.
is required.
is required.
is required.
is required.
is required.
is required.
is required.

Fee Payment

kindly enter the fee amont transfered.
kindly enter the transaction id from your UPI app after paying the fee.

Student Declaration

I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of above provided information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my admission shall be liable to cancellation / termination without notice or refund of any fees paid
I as further acknowledge and agree to adhere to rules and regulations of the academy strictly, including, not limited to the following.
1. Use of mobile phones/ smart mobile devices is prohibited in Campus, unless specifically exempted by Academy for learning purposes.
2. Ragging/ Bullying is strictly prohibited. Any act of misconduct shall lead to expulsion from the Academy
3. Student must attend classes and examinations regularly. Student who frequently take leave from exams and Classes will be expelled from the Academy
4. Respect faculties and staff. Failure to take reasonable instructions shall lead to expulsion from the Academy
5. Respect and follow rules and guidelines issued by the Academy at any stage

Parent Declaration

I hereby declare that I am aware of my responsibilities as parent/ guardian of the above mentioned and I shall adhere to the same, including, not limited to the following.
1. Ensuring wellbeing of the student and ensure that student attend classes and examinations regularly.
2. Timely payment of fees as per instructions from Academy. All the fees, once paid, shall not be refundable under normal circumstances. However, partial refund shall be considered if the course was discontinued due to valid reasons.
3. Promptly address concerns raised regarding student, if any
4. Respect to faculties and staff of the academy
5. Respect and follow rules and guidelines issued by the Academy at any stage.
